Tuesday, October 23, 2007

last building class

today was the last class we had to build our world. we have chosen to make 7 domes that each have a letter in them. the letters are then used to spell a password that allows you to enter the mmshare.

i made all of the domes and tunnels for the city as pictureds below...

we decided to make them multi coloured because we kept getting confused about what was in which dome and where you were and such.

i also created all of the signs there are 8 in total. 7 of them are the 7 letters as pictured below...

I also created a small sign that directs people to the mm share. below is a picture and you can see the sign in the background.

1 comment:

Dale said...

Nice work with the domes, thanks for taking charge of them, you have done very well.