Tuesday, July 31, 2007

secondlife character

Secondlife Character...

Social position: Caveman from iceage
Age: 10000 years old (was frozen in ice until recently) present day age 46
Sex: male (nethandarl or however u spell it)
Health: poor – lack of hygene, scruffy, but solid, bad breath and teeth
Physique: Solid build, short, scruffy
Personality: friendly but short tempered, curious,

class 3

here is the two storys that i came up with today (both unfinished)

Postcard story

In the beginning…

It was one of those dark eerie nights that often plagues these cold winter woods. The fact that this old run down house holds no heat and the walls are as thin and fragile as cardboard, It seems to makes the outside seep into this place through every gap and crack. The dew that accompany the heavy fog make the wood around the doors swell up and make it hard to open and close doors, every hinge squeaks as the rusty pins grind against the opposing metal flushings. With windows broken in a manner that makes each breeze whistle through the shattered glass. This house is not the best place to be in winter, or for that matter any season of the year.

Then the fat one came…

This house wasn’t always so dilapidated and creepy. In the past it had once been a magnificent proud standing house.

Character: FRANCIS

Obvious to others: made of ice
Know about them selves: melt if get to hot
Uniqueness: born from an egg
Always do / Situation: drink antifreeze to stop from freezing solid
Never do / situation be in: go near a kettle, or stove
Environment they are normally in: igloo
Environment they are never in: Volcano, or underground magma chamber

Francis tried to make out the ice carving that was delivered to the door of his ice shanty at 3am this morning. He heard the hard slab of ice being placed at his doorstep, but didn’t bother getting up. “If you want your” something something “back before” something “you will have to milk”…. No “melt” something something “or the end of the word will come” “End of the word? damn this, just some crazy person” he shouted as he threw the slab against the wall. The slab now shattered into a thousand pieces lay scattered across he floor. “I got up early so im goin fishing, I will clean this mess up later” he said to himself. Francis grabbed his fishing pole and an ice drill and headed out the door.

Francis returned to his ice shanty 2 hours later with a bounty of fish in a bucket. Arrrgh!! He shouted as he tipped the bucket upside down. “The water froze again, how the hell am I meant to get the fish out”. So he threw the frozen core of ice in the corner of the kitchen with the fish trapped inside for the wife to deal with.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

ideas for VU town secret....

These are the ideas i wrote down in our brainstorming session....

The Secret.

Deception, cheating
Murder, poison
Money laundering, stealing, bank robbery
Ancient burial grounds
Monsters, myths, aliens, bigfoot,

All the towns food is made from animals harvested from the zoo, it’s the only way he town can be sustained without use of fossil fuel etc. or the food is made from people from the neighbouring towns.

Mafia controls the town, runs the casino, ppl in debt end up as food for the other ppl in the town. People food store sells all the food.

Haunted house, old mansion with a graveyard on a hill at back of the town.
Old prison, gas chamber, hanging platform, shooting range.
Haunted town old, grimy, dark, delapedated, old decaying trees. Winding dirt paths

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

First writing for multimedia class

This blogger thing is retarded. i think it was created for emos so they can try get people to feel sorry for them. I dont see any benefits from blogging at all. it acheives nothing, is very un-entertaining and provides no usefull information to anybody.

someone please show me the benefits of this.

the end.